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52 days passed since the 2010s ended. Reflecting on the near recent past is both a challenge and an opportunity to intertwine our memories. Throughout five weeks in the Spring semester, 12 Parsons Communication Design students, and I visualized the impact of this past decade. Each participant meaningfully contributed to this discussion through an entry housed on this publication. With time, patterns emerge and aesthetics become obvious, but for now, this collection explores our current personal and collective memories while they’re fresh in our minds.

This workshop ran from January 24th to February 21st. You can observe a process journal from both the students’ and teacher’s point of view.


This anthology was completed in What Did The 2010’s Look Like, a workshop taught by Nika Simovich Fisher at Parsons School of Design during the Spring 2020 semester. This website was designed and developed by Nika and Dylan Fisher of Labud with valuable contributious from the students.